The Westchester Medical Reserve Corps is actively seeking new members willing to contribute their time and talents to help in an emergency. Westchester Medical Reserve Corps members work with county public health and emergency services professionals to support the needs of Westchester County residents during public health emergencies and other disasters.

To be activated in an emergency, MRC members must register in advance and participate in training, and set up other activities to prepare volunteers for emergency response.

The Westchester MRC is a group of volunteers – some are credentialed physicians, nurses, or allied professionals – working, retired, or in training – while others have organizational, office, or translation skills.

Who volunteers for the Westchester County MRC?
Our members are people who live, work, or attend graduate school in Westchester County. No medical background is needed to volunteer with the Westchester County MRC. We welcome medical and allied professionals and people with other backgrounds who are calm under pressure and who enjoy giving back to their community.

Volunteers include:

  • Physicians, nurses, EMTs, and other allied health professionals
  • Interpreters and people who can speak multiple languages
  • People who have experience working with people who are ill or assisting people with disabilities
  • Anyone with a desire to help provide public health and emergency services community education

How can I Join?
To sign up, all volunteers are vetted first through ServNY,  a New York State database that registers new volunteers verifies medical credentials, and manages volunteer data.

Registration is a three-step process:

1) Set up a user ID and password in a state website that offers access to many services.

2) Set up a user ID and password in ServNY and create a profile

  • Be sure to select Westchester County MRC as your program to join the county's Medical Reserve Corps in ServNY.
  • If you need help, use these step-by-step instructions

3) Complete and submit the Westchester County MRC Forms

  • Once you have registered in ServNY, you will receive an e-mail from us and be sent the Westchester County MRC membership manual with the application forms.
  • Once the forms are completed and submitted you will receive your membership card and be invited to the next meeting.

How can I help?
Volunteers may help improve the flow of people at central locations in Westchester where medication or vaccinations would be provided during a disease outbreak. They may provide support of local shelter and mass care operations upon request during a natural disaster including assistance with pets and service animals. Westchester MRC members who are credentialed medical professionals could be called upon to perform medical evaluations, provide vaccinations, distribute medication, educate or screen patients, or provide psychological first aid. Non-medical members may improve the flow of people, process paperwork and online forms, translate instructions, or provide directions to the public and provide assistance to people with access or functional needs.

How will I be trained?
Free training will be offered by Westchester County. Some training can be conducted online at your convenience, while other training topics will be covered in person with other MRC members. Quarterly meetings or training will be held. Topics include Psychological First Aid, Mass Casualty Incident Awareness, Treatment and Triage, Mental Health in Emergencies, and much more.

To prepare for emergencies, Westchester MRC members can join public health and emergency professionals in exercises and drills and may be called upon to assist in non-emergency activities. While flexibility and commitment are highly valued, we recognize that MRC members are volunteers with other commitments, and their participation during any event is always voluntary. The Westchester MRC is managed jointly by the Westchester County Department of Emergency Services (DES) and the Westchester County Department of Health (WCDH).

Should you have any questions or need additional information, send an e-mail toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(Note: Please enclose your name, e-mail address, and phone number in the body of the message)