Please be advised that NIMSCAST is offline until further notice. In the past, municipalities were requested to update their NIMS compliance status via the NIMSCAST tool provided by the US Department of Homeland Security. Due to Federal budget constraints the launch of NIMSCAST 5.0 has been suspended pending a funding decision by FEMA. Users will be notified when more information becomes available.
Should you have any questions please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
What is NIMCAST?
The NIMS Compliance Assistance Support Tool (NIMSCAST) is designed as the Web-based self-assessment instrument for state, county and local governments to evaluate and report their jurisdiction's achievement of all NIMS implementation activities. NIMSCAST is designed for the emergency management community as a comprehensive self-assessment support tool that facilitates compliance with NIMS requirements.
NIMSCAST is an electronic version of the questions asked in the printed document titled FY10 NIMS Compliance Metrics. All local municipalities within Westchester County need to access and use NIMSCAST to report their progress as they undertake activities to achieve NIMS compliance. The county and state will monitor your NIMSCAST submissions as they are submitted.